The Facebook event page description of the meeting:
Help us STOP Common Core and the dumbing down of your children at school!
“The “top-down” approach the federal government is pushing on Pennsylvania’s children and their teachers is contrary to our Constitutional freedoms.
One of my deepest concerns about the imposition of Common Core is that private, religious and homeschool educators might be forced into adopting government-dictated curricula and assessments that violate their academic freedom and rights of conscience” -Rep. Stephen Bloom

Thursday, November 21, 2013
7PM – 9PM
Jeffersonville Golf Club
2400 W Main St
Norristown, PA. 19403
We here at CFL will also take a deeper look at this issue (as we always do). We'll expose the United Nations globalist connection to Common Core and others that want to put profit above your child's education.